Prepare for Launch
get ready with these Helpful Resources
John 15:12-17; 21:15-19; Prov 11:3, 13
“Blanches and Roses”
Few songs get stuck in my head like the theme from NBC’s hit sitcom, The Golden Girls. Humming that familiar tune, it’s easy to pause and remember those Blanches and Roses in my life. They’re the ones I can confidently say, “Thank you for being a friend. Travel down the road and back again. Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant.” Like those fictional friends, we may have real differences and sometimes even get on each other’s nerves. But true and trustworthy friendships — ones built on trust and openness — never get old!
A true friend is someone you can count on.
Of course, no conversation about trustworthy friends would be complete without thinking of our greatest Friend, Jesus! He highlighted his extreme love for us when he said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). But Jesus wasn’t just trying to “toot his horn” — he went on to say, “These things I command you, so that you will love one another” (John 15:17). The point: Jesus wants us to model our love for people after his unfailing and steadfast love for us.
The proverbs often speak about the importance of being “count-on-able” — people of our word — if we want meaningful relationships. Unless we’re guided by integrity, our relationships are doomed to fall apart (Prov. 11:3). If we’re not trustworthy when there’s something to be kept in confidence (Prov. 11:13), who’s going to want to open up to us? Relationships can’t thrive if we’re talebearers, gossips, liars, or deceivers.
It’s a high standard, and sadly even the closest friends go through tough times. But as Jesus was able to reconcile with Peter after his betrayal (John 21:15-19), love leads us to work things out and move on through grace and mercy. So, maybe it’s time to write a card or tell someone, “Thank you for being a friend.”
Can your circle of friends rely on you?
Safe Spaces
Establish Trust & Openness
Launch the study with a CONVERSATION STARTER on the Big Idea.
Read or watch “Blanches and Roses” (above).
ICE BREAKER — Get everyone engaged and talking.
Would you rather help a friend move or pick them up at the airport at midnight?
JESUS SAID — John 15:12-17
What’s the main point of this passage?
What insights and applications do you take from these words of Christ? What do we need to get from these words that — if understood and applied — has the power to bless and strengthen us?
Is there anything else here you find helpful or interesting? Anything you’ve never noticed before — or have always loved about these words?
TOP 4 PROVERBS on Trustworthy Friends
Use tools like a concordance, search engine, or topical Bible to find 4 helpful proverbs that give you insight into loyal friendships. If you're studying in a group, ask four participants to each share one of their proverbs and discuss.
REACH OUT — Connect with each other with this question.
What do you learn from a time when someone had your back?
THE CHALLENGE — Ready to put it into practice?
Tell someone, "Thank you for being a friend."
REQUEST — Go to God in a closing prayer.
“Holy Father, please bless us with strong bonds in our relationships with others, stemming from our love for you and your Son Jesus” (cf. John 15:1-17).
NEXT SESSION — Sharpening
Prepare by reading Mark 10:17-22; Prov. 27:17; Heb. 10:24