Prepare for Launch

with this Conversation Starter

Two Is One

Watch the Video

As the proud owner of a small electric vehicle, it’s been wonderful to breeze by gas stations and oil change shops without a second thought! But a while back, I got in my car to leave for the day, only to find that my battery was almost empty. My car charger had failed overnight! “Never fear,” I thought as I reached for my backup charger — only to suddenly realize that it, too, had failed. And that’s when the old military saying reverberated in my brain: two is one and one is none. Meaning: when we have a fully functioning backup, we can count on it in a pinch. But what happens when our backup fails?

It’s like how Jesus sent his disciples to preach in pairs — “two by two” (Mark 6:7-13). Sure, they could have covered more ground apart, but what a lonely job to work without a friend! That’s the thought to kick off our next Guided Study about creating meaningful friendships that we’re calling Two By Two.

A strong circle of Christian friends is invaluable on our heavenward journey.


There’s great power in community, having a backup, and leaning on our friends. Close friends give us energy and help recharge our batteries in our partnerships (Eccl. 4:9-12).

With the chaos of life, it seems like friendship is an afterthought. But considering the encouragement of the proverbs, these connections are integral to a well-rounded believer’s life. Wisdom teaches us to bind together for strength in adversity (Prov. 17:17; Eccl. 4:12), develop a small family-like circle (Prov. 18:24), and avoid investing in toxic relationships (Prov. 22:24-25).

So in this 9-session Guided Study, we’ll learn about the makings of true friendship, how to build a close inner-circle of our own, and we’ll zoom out to see the impact these relationships have in life’s wonderful journey. We hope you’ll be challenged and encouraged as you study on your own, or “two by two” with a friend.

Do you see the value in having a close friend to back you up?


Value of Partners

Realize the Power of Community


Launch the study with a CONVERSATION STARTER on the Big Idea.

Read or watch “Two Is One” (above). 

ICE BREAKER — Get everyone engaged and talking.

Are you the kind of person who has a backup?


LIKE THE TEACHER — Mark 6:7-13

  • What do you see Jesus doing here?
  • Why do you think it’s recorded in the book? What’s the point of the passage?
  • What do these words teach you about the value of partnership?
  • What insights and applications do you take from Christ’s words here?


Top 4 Proverbs — Friendship

Do a search using the internet, an app, or Bible reference books to find four favorite Proverbs about Friendship. Then jot down a few notes on the application or insight you take from each verse. What do you appreciate about how it’s said and the wisdom it contains? How have you seen the principle in action? 
In your group discussion, ask participants to pick one of their four and share their insights.
  • Proverb #1
  • Proverb #2
  • Proverb #3
  • Proverb #4


REACH OUT — Connect with each other with this question.

What obstacles do you need to overcome to make yourself more available to others?


THE CHALLENGE — Ready to put it into practice?

Perform a social audit, rating the interactions you have with others as “+” or “-“ in your journal.

REQUEST — Go to God in a closing prayer.

“As we go out into the world with a mission to share the good news of Jesus, give us partners in that work to keep us strong and focussed in our work for you” (cf. Mark 6:7-13).

NEXT SESSION — Creating Space

Prepare by reading John 11:1-11; 15:13-14; Eph. 3:18-19

Hear this Guided Study in action

Check out our podcast episode where we had our own conversation on the value of friendship.