Two By Two

A 9-Session Guided Study

Create Meaningful Friendships

Guided Study FAQ

  • If you’re looking to build deeper bonds in Christ, this study is for you! Whether you’re studying on your own, with a friend, or in a Bible class, this nine-session Guided Study is designed to start your conversations!

  • This Guided Study lasts 9 sessions. Tackle them once a week, once a month, or at some other interval. It’s up to you how you’d like to break them down.

  • Absolutely! Two By Two is useful on your own, or with a group. Watch the conversation starter video together, take turns asking the questions, and make sure to get everyone involved in the study!

  • Free. But you knew that!

  • Not currently, but one of the best ways to see these conversations in action is to listen to Podcast episodes connected to each session. Hopefully, it’ll give you a good idea of what these conversations could sound like!