Prepare for Launch
get ready with these Helpful Resources
Matt. 7:7-11; Hos. 11:1-9; James 1:16-18
“We Were Experts”
Before we had kids, we were all perfect parents ... at least in our minds! We'd read the books and we'd studied the parents around us — we were experts in child-rearing, with all the answers on "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and beyond! Everything made sense until we walked out of the hospital with our newborn in our arms and realized we didn't know what we were doing! And it wouldn't get any easier as they grew up. So, where do we turn when the strategies don't work, and everyone has a different opinion? It's easy to forget you have the best parenting example ever available to you. His book isn't in the parenting section, but our heavenly Father is the only perfect parent. So as we try to give our kids a stable foundation and shape them into the people we hope they'll become, what can we learn from God about parenting?
We can find our way in our parenting dilemmas by looking up.
Maybe you had fantastic parents, or maybe not. But your primary model can't come from them or any earthly source. When you need illumination, consider how the "Father of lights" (James 1:17) deals with his children.
Despite our failures, God constantly shows us his love (Eph. 1:3-14; Matt. 7:11). Do our kids see our love for them as clearly? He fights for us (Neh. 4:20), protects us (2 Thess. 3:3), and provides for us (Matt. 6:26-33). He leads and patiently corrects us (Joel 2:12-13). He gives us room to choose wrong but never gives up on us (Hosea 11:1-9).
The Father doesn't foster our sense of entitlement by indulging our every desire, but he does give us what we need (James 4:2-3). Sometimes, what we need is discipline (Heb. 12:8-9). And sometimes, it's grace (Eph. 2:4-10). God does the difficult work of shepherding and shaping us. May we all develop as parents in his image.
What do you still have to learn from God about parenting?
God, the Perfect Father
Parent Like Your Heavenly Father
Launch the study with a CONVERSATION STARTER on the Big Idea.
Read or watch “We Were Experts” (above). What do you take from that Big Idea and Big Question?
ICE BREAKER — Get everyone engaged and talking.
What did you know about parenting before having kids that you realized you didn't know after having kids?
JESUS SAID — Matt. 7:7-11
What’s the main point of this passage?
What insights and applications do you take from these words of Christ? What do we need to get from these words that — if understood and applied — has the power to change a life or a family?
Is there anything else here you find helpful or interesting? Anything you’ve never noticed before — or have always loved about these words?
DEEP THOUGHTS — Parenting Lessons from God
What does God do for his children?
How does God treat his children differently than many human parents?
What Bible story (or stories) illustrate God’s parenting best to you?
Take a few moments to reflect on all that you know about God as a Father. What’s one lesson that stands out to you? What do you most want to imitate?
REACH OUT — Connect with each other with this question.
How has God's leadership affected you as a parent?
THE CHALLENGE — Ready to put it into practice?
Explore a quality of God's parenting with a new or expecting parent.
REQUEST — Go to God in a closing prayer.
For example: "Dearest Father, help me to follow your example of leadership and love" (cf. 1 John 3:2-3).
NEXT SESSION — Example & Influence
Prepare by reading John 1:35-51; 10:7-18; Matt. 28:16-20