Prepare for Launch
get ready with these Helpful Resources
Luke 15:3-10; Eccl. 2:24-25; Rev. 19:1-21
“Party Planning”
I've been to plenty of parties over the years that weren't any fun. It's sad, but no one wants to throw a stinker of a celebration. With all your party planning, you want people to enjoy themselves, feel comfortable and welcomed, and focus their attention on the people and the reason for gathering. But sometimes, a party just goes stale, and people wind up wishing they'd stayed home in their pajamas.
So, are followers of Christ any fun? Are we joyful people who know how to let loose and have a good time? So as we continue to think together about God's amazing gifts, let's see the blessing of joyfully celebrating life's good things!
It pleases and glorifies God when we gratefully enjoy his blessings together.
As with so many of the good gifts we've considered already, joyful celebration is a timeless activity we practice now, while we wait to do it for all eternity! Just imagine a scene like the one John saw in Revelation 19, where multitudes shouted praise to God as they waited for the great wedding feast of the Lamb. Also, picture the angel's celebrations when lost souls return to the Lord (Luke 15:3-10). It's safe to say that we've never been to a party like the ones in heaven!
After all, God gives us laughter and meals shared with good company! We can "eat and drink and find enjoyment ... from the hand of God, for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment" (Eccl. 2:24-25). But as with everything in life, we party sincerely, thoughtfully, and with plenty of self-control. Of course, we must "fear God and keep his commandments" (Eccl. 12:13), but also, "be joyful and ... do good ... eat and drink and take pleasure ... this is God's gift to man" (Eccl. 3:12-13).
How are you expressing your joy and enthusiasm to those around you?
Acknowledge Life's Good Things With Joy
Launch the study with a CONVERSATION STARTER on the Big Idea.
Read or watch “Party Planning” (above). What do you take from that Big Idea and Big Question?
ICE BREAKER — Get everyone engaged and talking.
What's your ideal way to spend a birthday?
LIKE THE TEACHER — Luke 15:3-10
What’s the main point of this passage?
What insights and applications do you take from these words of Christ? What do we need to get from these words that — if understood and applied — has the power to bless and strengthen us?
Is there anything else here you find helpful or interesting? Anything you’ve never noticed before — or have always loved about these words?
Deep Thoughts — Enjoyment and Celebration
The goal of this segment is to dive a bit deeper into “enjoyment” from a Biblical perspective. Use the following questions to help you explore the concept and prepare for a meaningful conversation. No pressure to be a “deep thinker” — whatever that even means! (We usually aren’t!) But these are big ideas that benefit from some reflection and meditation on Scripture.
What is enjoyment?
What Bible passages and stories come to mind when you think of enjoying life’s gifts?
Is it more virtuous to not enjoy God’s blessings than to enjoy them? Why or why not?
Define the following: - Gratitude - Rejoicing - Contentment - Celebration - Praise
How do these attitudes and activities build on each other?
How can over-emphasizing “enjoyment” lead us in the wrong direction?
What do the various feasts in the Old Testament teach you about God’s view of celebration?
How does that affect your view of celebration today?
What kinds of things should we celebrate and enjoy today?
Why might some (wrongly) think it’s more “spiritual” or “virtuous” to deny ourselves any enjoyment of God’s gifts in this world? What would you share with them to help them see God’s will more clearly?
Does God rejoice? What passages help you answer this question?
REACH OUT — Connect with each other with this question.
What keeps you from rejoicing with those who rejoice?
THE CHALLENGE — Ready to put it into practice?
Get together with a friend to share a meal.
REQUEST — Go to God in a closing prayer.
For example: “Father, help us to rejoice always and give thanks in all circumstances”
(1 Thess. 5:16-18).
Prepare by reading Matt. 15:4; Rom. 8:12-17; Ps. 127-128