“The Hermit Inside of You”
Acknowledge Life's Good Things With Joy
Is "dill pickle" Christianity God's way? Does he want us permanently somber and stoic, embracing asceticism and austerity? Or is there a place in God's will for enjoying his blessings? This week, we challenge these ideas with a look at celebration in Scripture. We start with what Jesus Said about the joy in heaven over the return of a sinner, learning to smile at what makes God happy, and to be there for each other in happy times. Then it's time for some Deeeep Thoughts on enjoyment. Along the way, we learn that the Christian life is both a festival and an adventure. We hope you find it encouraging as you "go on your way rejoicing" (cf. Acts 8:39). Go to biblegeeks.fm/good for all the guides, videos, and other resources for this series.
The Big Idea: It pleases and glorifies God when we gratefully enjoy his blessings together.
This Week's Challenge: Get together with a friend to share a meal.