

Train With Wisdom, Patience, and Love

Have you ever wondered what to do with the command not to "provoke your children to wrath"? This week we try to discern when godly discipline becomes discouraging, applying the commands of Colossians 3:21 and Ephesians 6:1-4. We start out looking for direction from Christ's example in Matthew 11:25-30, wondering, "When is a burden not a burden?" and "How do we avoid carrying our authority like the Pharisees?" It's a frank conversation that takes us from times we've wanted to give up to the times we've needed to keep our cool as dads. It's session four of the Training Wheels guided study — got to biblegeeks.fm/trainingwheels to get the study guide for this conversation and all the others in the series!



The Big Idea: When discipline demoralizes our kids, we do more harm than good.

This Week's Challenge: Hug your kids and tell them what you appreciate about their character.


“Things Are Changing, Man!”


“Who Is Your Daddy?”