“Things Are Changing, Man!”
Parent Like Your Heavenly Father
How are parenting principles like keys, sunglasses, and the mail? What's better than saying "I love you" to our kids? And what do you learn when your "birthing plan" goes out the window? This week, we praise God for the way he leads us as parents. What Jesus Said about God's fatherly provision illuminates a sobering truth about ourselves. And some Deep Thoughts from Numbers and Hosea encourage us to grow in patience. It's session five of our Training Wheels guided study, and you can find the guide, videos, and all the other sessions at biblegeeks.fm/trainingwheels.
The Big Idea: We can find our way in our parenting dilemmas by looking up.
This Week's Challenge: Explore a quality of God's parenting with a new or expecting parent.