“The Real Groaners”
Be Purposeful With Your Communication
How is understanding our kids like collecting clues to a mystery our children haven't solved themselves? And how do we "answer a fool according to his folly" (Prov. 26:5) while also heeding the instruction to "answer NOT a fool according to his folly" (Prov. 26:4)? This week's conversation is all about how we speak and how we listen, particularly in parenting. Our Top 4 Proverbs on Communication challenge us to consider if our words are "graceful garlands" around our kids' heads and if we ever answer before we hear. And learning to act more Like the Teacher in John 10:3-4, we pick up a golden rule of speaking. What does all this have to do with closed captions, Shaquille O'Neil, and peanut butter / maple syrup sandwiches? We invite you to have a listen and find out!
The Big Idea: You can talk at your child and make a lot of noise, or you can talk to them and get through.
This Week's Challenge: Go on a "date night" with your child and ask them about their interests.