"Eloquent Orations"


Series: Training Wheels

Be Purposeful With Your Communication






Their eyes glaze over. They stare off into the distance. Your words wash over them in waves of nonsensical noise. Like Charlie Brown's teacher, have you ever felt like your eloquent orations to your kids sound more like, "Wah wah woh wah wah" in their ears? Have we lost the ability to speak our child's language somewhere along the way? Is it even possible to communicate clearly with your kids? So as we shepherd and shape them, let's be more purposeful with what we say and how we say it.

The Big Idea

You can talk at your child and make a lot of noise, or you can talk to them and get through. Following Christ's example, our kids should know our voice (John 10:3-4). But it's more than recognizing the sound of someone's voice — it's about connecting with the meaning of the message. If our message isn't received, we're not communicating. Are we being understood? Or are we just spraying them with a sea of senseless sounds?

Communication isn't a one-way activity but a two-way dialogue. Listen to them — getting to know their voice — and consider how best to respond. It takes knowing yourself and your child to have a successful conversation. As we invest in becoming their sounding-board, we'd do well to be "quick to hear, slow to speak," controlling our tongues (James 1:19, 26). We communicate better when we commit to knowing our kids' world, where they're coming from, and what they're trying to tell us. Are you an effective listener or always doing the talking?

Season your words with grace (Col. 4:5-6), mindful of your headspace and attitude. Are you under control or losing your cool? A small child understands tone even when they don't grasp all the words. Whatever your child's age, how you say things can matter just as much as what you say. And remember that they will mirror what you talk about and how you say it.

The Big Question

Are you invested in hearing your kids and helping them to hear you?


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