“Can We Just Move On?”


Open Yourself to Wise Advisors

We made it! It's our final Cross Training episode and our last episode of another crazy year! Thank you for being part of this journey — we hope it has blessed you and your spiritual growth. This week we learn when "more is more," why Bob Evans' restaurants should have whiteboards, and how Google makes a dangerous doctor! It all ties in (somehow!?!) with the Scriptural directive to seek out good advice and choose carefully who we let influence us. We start by returning to Christ's childhood as a model of growing in wisdom by getting interested in the things of God, surrounding yourself with studied counselors, asking questions, and listening! Then we dive into the story of Rehoboam listening to the wrong advice, and end by sharing how good advisors have impacted each of our lives.



The Big Idea: You can affect the counsel you receive by the relationships you invest in, the questions and topics you raise, and the care you put into listening.

Weekly Challenge: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.


“Bible Geeks: The Home Edition”


“I Don’t Get It”