"I Don’t Get It"
Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Why do we tend to think we’re alone in our struggles, and how do we reconnect? If God knows me better than I know myself, and he also loves me more than I love myself — how do those truths change my commitments? And where do we find joy when it isn’t close at hand? This week we set Poetry in Motion with David’s extraordinary, intimate prayer in Psalm 139, learning to live as an open book before God. And in our opening discussion of Matthew 7:1-5, Bryan throws back to a nosy neighbor from TV’s Golden era while Ryan draws some observations from early dot com culture. The lessons from these passages bring us back to ourselves and the challenging task of seeing ourselves clearly and getting to work.
The Big Idea: God’s work in us requires our honesty with him.
Weekly Challenge: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.