Prepare for Launch

get ready with these Helpful Resources

Matt. 9:36-38; 28:18-20; 1 Peter 2:9-3:16

“Potholes and Pitfalls”

In Indiana, summertime is roadwork season. Traffic turns terrible as most of the freeway lanes close. It seems to take forever, but eventually all the potholes and pitfalls get cleaned up, leaving a nice, smooth road when winter comes.

Making disciples can work that way, too. The "highway to heaven" can get littered with misconceptions, biases, and fears that need mending.

Most people need more than just the facts; they need someone to help clear a path to the Lord.


Sometimes — like Philip alongside a chariot (Acts 8:26-40) — you find a seeker that’s ready. Jesus called some “not far from the kingdom” (Mark 12:34) while others’ hearts were “far from” God (Matt. 15:8). Only the gospel has power to save (Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 15:1-3), but seeing our love and holiness can change someone’s views (1 Peter 2:11-12; 3:15-16). “God’s kindness is meant to lead … to repentance” (Rom. 2:4), and we reflect him like a mirror pointing sunshine into a dark corner. 

Jesus compared the hidden conversion process to a seed becoming a thriving plant (Luke 8:4-18). A lot happens below the surface while we tend to the soil. It usually doesn't happen overnight and no mechanical formula will churn out Christians. Remember that the goal isn’t just “baptizing” but “making disciples” (Matt. 28:19-20). If we rush someone into the water without helping them understand what it means to follow Jesus (Luke 14:28-29), we’ve skipped the heart of discipleship.

Many don’t even know what they believe when they dive into the deep end of these discussions. Half-baked beliefs exposed to patient and frank discussions can lead to new openings. Never underestimate the power of reasoning with people, as Paul did from city to city (Acts 17:17). We don’t strong-arm. We invite the thirsty to “Come” and “take the water of life without price" (Rev. 22:17).

Where do you need to shift your perspective on making disciples to be more like Christ’s?


Disciple-Making Paradigms

See Disciple-Making Like Jesus


Launch the study with a CONVERSATION STARTER on the Big Idea.

Read or watch “Potholes and Pitfalls” (above). What do you take from that Big Idea and Big Question? 

ICE BREAKER — Get everyone engaged and talking.

What would you be most tempted to buy from an "As Seen On TV" offer?


LIKE THE TEACHER — Examples of Jesus Reframing Evangelism

List a few ways Jesus reframes our view of evangelism. What do you notice about the way Jesus taught people? How did he view the lost? Are there are specific statements or stories that come to mind where the Lord interacted with people to show them the way? What else does the Lord show you about making disciples?


THE A-TEAM — Disciple-Makers

Make a list (or "draft board") of people in Scripture who shared their faith effectively. If you're studying with a friend or a group/class, use this time to take turns drafting your top picks. Then review the list together. Who stands out as examples of great disciple-makers you connect with? Why?


REACH OUT — Connect with each other with this question.

What lie does Satan try to sell you about evangelism and what truth can overcome it?


THE CHALLENGE — Ready to put it into practice?

Find a way to serve someone in Jesus' name — no strings attached.

REQUEST — Go to God in a closing prayer.

"Give us compassion for those who are lost like sheep without a shepherd" (cf. Matt. 9:36-38).

NEXT SESSION — Disciple-Making Practices

Prepare by reading Rom. 15:13, 1 Peter 2:9-10, and Phil. 2:4.