“What Do You Say?”

Remember to Show Gratitude

Have you ever told your kids, "Now, what do you say?" when they've received a gift or had someone treat them with kindness? In our house, to avoid that sometimes awkward interaction, I'll look at my daughter and use the sign language word for "Thank you," to remind her to be grateful. And Luke records a time in Jesus' ministry where a few former lepers needed this same reminder.

"On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices, saying, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us"" (Luke 17:11-13).

After he healed them, only one turned back to say thanks. Let's look at how Jesus reacted to this man's expression of gratitude.

"Were Not Ten Cleansed?" (Luke 17:17)

After pleading with Jesus to heal them, he does. And each had equal reason to be thankful for his miraculous healing, as they all shared the same disease. He didn't show partiality in his mercy — picking and choosing which of them he would cleanse — he extended it to all ten.

His promise to cleanse us of our sins is the same today. All who call on him in faith will find forgiveness (Rom. 10:13), without partiality (Rom. 2:11)!

"Where Are the Nine?" (Luke 17:17)

Can't you hear the disappointment in Jesus' words? Have you ever felt that way — gone out of your way to show kindness to someone, only to have them respond with ingratitude? And what greater gift could Jesus have given them physically than to heal their life-altering condition? It seems that nine of them were so caught up in the moment — so distracted by their newfound healing — that they forgot where it came from.

Our hope in constantly reminding our daughter to say "Thank you," is that eventually, it'll become second-nature. But do we need to be reminded to be grateful? Will we be like the one who turned back to praise God or the nine who went about their business?

"Was No One Found ...?" (Luke 17:18)

""Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" And he said to him, "Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well"" (Luke 17:18-19).

Jesus makes a point to encourage this faithful Samaritan for returning. But he expected more from God's chosen people. Maybe those nine Jewish lepers were too "numb" to the blessings of God, but his miracle seriously changed this foreigner's life.

Outsiders, those heavily rooted in worldliness, can be some of the best people to share the good news with. As a doctor goes to those who are sick (Luke 5:31), that should be our aim in sharing Christ with others too.

So, let's live with gratitude for God's salvation — never forgetting to glorify him for cleansing us from all our sins!


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