“Learn from the Lowly”
Connect With the Humble
Think of someone you're better than. Got them in mind? Now quit it!
In Luke 18, Jesus addressed the people's feelings of superiority over others by showing them what it looks like to truly love the lowly.
The Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)
Jesus shares the famous parable of two men praying in the temple. While a Pharisee pridefully proclaimed his greatness before God, especially compared to this sinful tax collector, the tax collector wouldn't even lift up his eyes in shame. Hitting himself, he begged for mercy over his sins. And Jesus said only one of those men went away justified — the one who humbled himself.
Sin is the great equalizer. We've all done it (Rom. 3:23) — rich or poor, strong or weak, famous or unknown. Without God's mercy, we're just like everyone else: lost. And when we overlook our shortcomings to highlight our accomplishments, comparison and contempt for others are soon to follow.
Will you find common ground with the lowly by admitting that you're no better without God's mercy?
The Children (Luke 18:15-17)
Apparently Jesus' disciples struggled with a "superiority complex" too! When parents brought their children to touch the Savior, his followers reprimanded them. But that didn't fly with Jesus! He called them to come closer, saying "for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it" (Luke 18:16-17).
Pride and earthly accomplishment have a way of robbing God of our hope and trust (1 Tim. 6:17). But the meek and lowly, like children, don't have those kinds of distractions. They're completely dependent on their parents. So, Jesus points us down the social ladder rather than up.
Will you trust in God like a child who depends on their parents for everything?
The Blind Beggar (Luke 18:35-43)
When a blind man heard that Jesus was nearby, he began calling out for mercy. Apparently his persistence got on people's nerves — remember the widow from his earlier parable (Luke 18:1-8)? Like the children, Jesus calls this man closer and then heals him with a word. With his newfound sight, he follows the group praising God along the way.
Ever find yourself annoyed by "needy" people? Jesus wasn't bothered by the lowly who kept calling him. He saw it as an act of great faith. It's easy to discount others when they get on our nerves, but loving them leads us to answer their continual cries for help.
Is there someone who's been asking you for help that you've ignored for too long?
Do you struggle with pride and superiority? Lower yourself and connect with the lowly around you, just like Jesus, our humble Savior, did with those he met!