“The Coming King”

Bow to Christ's Authority

Hop in your time machine, back to the days of the prophet Isaiah. About 700 years before Christ was born, the Lord speaks to his people in Isaiah 11 about a King that's coming sometime in the future. Given the division and idol-worship in the nation, are you ready for a change in leadership?

His Character — Isa. 11:1-5

A King is coming with a legitimate claim to the throne. He'll be from the lineage of Jesse, the "Son of David," to fulfill God's promise (Acts 13:23). More than a figurehead, he'll be unlike all the kings before him, since he will "bear fruit."

The Lord's Spirit will rest upon him (Matt. 3:16), confirming God's presence and acceptance. His character will be unmatched, full of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and the fear of the Lord. He won't judge based on what he sees or hears, but in his righteousness, equity, and severity. So, are you ready to serve such a worthy King?

His Transformation — Isa. 11:6-9

He will bring an unnatural peace to the land by transforming our nature. The violent predator will be tamed and live safely in community with their prey. Killers will become nurturers. And even a nursing child will live alongside those that formerly would have ended their lives.

How will this otherworldly peace and safety come? Because the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord — changing them to their core! Everyone in this kingdom will experience a peaceful relationship with the Creator. And, by extension, will peacefully coexist with each other. So, are you ready to allow him to transform your life too?

His Authority — Isa. 11:10-16

This amazing King will shine like a beacon for the whole world. His authority will stretch beyond Israel to ALL people. And those in every nation who seek him out will find rest. He'll gather the remnant of Israel from the four corners of the earth back to himself and provide them with safety.

But he will also turn his face against all those who oppressed his people. They'll be cut off, surrendering to be plundered and pillaged. No opposing nation will be able to stand against this new King! So, are you ready to submit to his authority over you?

Now fast-forward in time and imagine living during the ministry of Christ. Would you have recognized Jesus as this King, the Messiah, the signal for all people? The Jews rejected him, but will you?

May God help us to see the Son of David as our King today, to submit to his authority, and to be transformed by him completely.


“Thanks to the Lord”


“Powerful Words”