“Thanks to the Lord”

Shout Songs of Thanks and Praise

We're in our time machines again, heading back to the days of the prophet Isaiah over 700 years before Christ. After explaining the fantastic character, transforming power, and authority of this coming King in Isaiah 11, God tells us how we'll respond to his leadership in Isaiah 12.

See Our Sin & Salvation — Isa. 12:1-3

When this King comes, we’ll have no choice but to confess our shortcomings and failures. Unlike his perfect righteousness and holiness, we’re entirely unworthy and full of sin. But our mourning will quickly turn to joy when we see how his anger turns to comfort! Our faith and trust in him will grow as we lean on Him for strength.

And coming from the parched desert of our sins, we’ll approach a life-giving well of saving water (John 4:13-14). We were so close to death, but he pulled us from that dreadful fate into this fruitful kingdom. Our hopelessness will turn to joy! So, are you ready to be saved from your sins?

Shout Thanks & Praise — Isa. 12:4-6

Since God will place such an amazing King on His throne, we’ll shout our thankfulness and appreciation. Only God could establish such a powerful and peaceful leader. Only God could transform us and save us from our sinfulness.

In our rejoicing, we’ll call to him in song, praising him for bringing us the Holy One of Israel! We’ll praise him for his protection and mercy. We’ll honor him for allowing us to live together in harmony. And those songs will never end, as long as there’s breathe within our lungs! So, are you ready to praise the Lord for his glorious deeds?

Spread the Good News — Isa. 12:4-5

We’ll NEVER have reason to be ashamed of our King. Instead, we’ll share his incredible acts of love and mercy with everyone we meet! Our gates will not be closed, nor our borders fixed. But this kingdom will be open to all. All will hear our songs of praise for the King’s incredible name!

And, we know that if the King could transform our violent nature, he can change anyone. So, we’ll share the good news with “wolf” and “lamb” alike. Without prejudice, we’ll welcome into our fellowship anyone who accepts the rule and authority of the King. So, are you ready to share the good news with the world?

Now let's go back to the future to the present day. Everything God prophesied about this kingdom has been established today — in the church. So, will you acknowledge your sin and take hold of salvation? Will you shout your songs of praise to the Lord? And will you share the good news of his kingdom with everyone you meet?

Praise the Lord for establishing Christ as our King, and for saving us with that life-giving well of water!


“Nature Lessons”


“The Coming King”