Our Purpose


It seems we've been talking about The Bible Geeks ever since 2012 during our late-night runs along a nearby canal in Phoenix. Almost seven years later, we finally decided to make it happen! Our primary goal in these conversations and resources is to draw people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, with each other, and to present God's truth in a practical and approachable way. We're not perfect, but we are pushing forward and learning a lot along the way.

Meet The Geeks



Ryan Joy works as a full-time evangelist at the North church of Christ in Fort Wayne, Indiana. When he's not preaching or studying with others, he spends the rest of his time with his wife and four children. He's got a knack for visual communication, as he formerly worked as a graphic designer in the Phoenix area.

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Bryan Schiele serves as one of the deacons at the Monte Vista church of Christ in Phoenix, Arizona. He's a husband, father, software developer, and a generally over-caffeinated nerd. Few may know, but he once hosted a weekly morning news segment about technology on Phoenix's local CBS affiliate!

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Get To Know Us


FEB 7, 2019 · WEEKLY

"In Development"

Get To Know The Bible Geeks

Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Bible Geeks podcast. We’re starting from square one by introducing ourselves and laying out our vision for the show. We also discuss the childlike response that Jesus demands of us in order to receive the kingdom of God from Mark 10:14-16. Thanks for subscribing and listening along!

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JUN 20, 2019 · WEEKLY

"Almost Funny"

Appreciate The Good Things That God Provides

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you — this week we’re sharing some of our Favorite Things about the connection between the New and Old Testaments, marriage, parenting, morning rituals, and organization. We look out the window in our Jesus Said segment to see the angels of God ascending and descending on the Messiah from John 1:51, and we search for more in-depth ways to connect with others by asking deeper questions.

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Balancing the Christian Life

So, what do you "geek out" about? For some it might be scrapbooking or the latest comic book movie. For Bryan Schiele and Ryan Joy, they geek out about Christianity on their podcast, The Bible Geeks.