“Emotions Make Me Feel”
Build Meaningful Connections
Relationships … amiright?!? Even our closest friendships can take time and effort, yet Jesus leads us into all the “messiness” that comes with befriending, serving, and leading others closer to him. This week we focus on a fourth dimension of discipleship: COMMUNITY, identifying four Heavy Words that are essential for Christlike connections with people. We also learn why Jesus’ mission is the opposite of the United States Marines and why curiosity is a key to friendship.
The Big Idea: We can’t follow Christ and keep our distance from people.
Weekly Challenge: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.
Show Notes
- Cross Training - “Beyond the Cave” (DAILY DOWNLOAD)
- Cross Training - Through the Week Challenges - Week 4
- Like the Teacher: Matthew 9:9-13 (VERSE)
- A Contagious Cure by Ryan Joy (SERMON)
- The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield (BOOK)
- “Fighter Jets of Gentleness” - Bible Geeks Weekly, Episode 10 (PODCAST)
- What’s a Member? by Ryan Joy (SERMON)