“Enjoy Your Breakfast!”
Learn From the Lord’s Enemies
The Pharisees weren’t cartoon villains, they were real people known for taking their religion seriously — yet the Lord’s rebukes have made them infamous. And if we don’t take his warnings seriously, we can become the second coming of the Pharisees! So, this week we share some Deeep Thoughts, asking, “Is there a little bit of Pharisee in me?” We also Find Jesus slaying trees and spinning riddles in this week’s reading, Matthew 19-23. And, we learn what it means to be “chosen” and how the greatest commandments shape a disciple’s life.
The Big Idea: Jesus calls us to leave our divided lives and half measures, to follow him in holistic righteousness — the wholehearted obedience of love.
Weekly Challenge: Identify the “little bit of Pharisee” in your heart, and take a step to correct it.