“Magna Charta”


Be gracious to others

Maybe you’ve noticed tensions growing about how to handle the current health crisis. What if someone doesn’t wear a mask in worship? Is it safe to assemble? Is it liberal not to have a traditional assembly yet? What if someone tries to shake your hand or even hug you? While these issues are worthy of serious discussion, is there a more important goal than fighting about all this? How do we maintain harmony in the church while we navigate these questions? This week we’re Finding Jesus in Galatians and diving into the “one another” verses of Galatians 5. Then we take a deep dive into patience and peace in the church, in a time of differing opinions.



The Big Idea: Knowledge can inflate our pride, but love moves us beyond the narcissism of small differences.

Weekly Challenge: Practice patience with someone whose choices don’t align with yours this week.


“What’s More Than More?”


“Cheesecake Factory Dilemmas”