“Knowing Is Half the Battle”
Be Confident Yet Moldable
Whatta ya know? This week we take on a “Heavy Word” for “knowing,” and ask: How important is the difference between what we know and what we think we know? We get an answer when a “mic-drop” moment from a healed blind man leads to a childish moment from some Jews, in part six of our “Here’s Your Sign” series. And what Jesus Said in John 21:15-17 challenges, heals, and commissions Peter to serve others. Push play and let’s dive into the Word together!
The Big Idea: It’s easy to find ways to confirm our convictions, but we establish Biblical faith by following the evidence and discovering the truth.
Weekly Challenge: Use an opportunity to share what you know about Christ.
Show Notes
- Jesus Said … John 21:15-17
- “Now You Know” — G.I. Joe (VIDEO)