“You Gotta Go Home!”


Pick Up Someone’s Baggage

What burdens are yours to shoulder? This week, we learn to take radical responsibility from Jesus’ story about the shepherd and the lost sheep. We have some Deeep Thoughts about getting “voluntold,” making people feel small by serving them, and evaluating each other’s burdens. Bryan talks about times he wants to say, “you don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.” And Ryan talks about when his “eyes are bigger” than his ability to actually help. Bearing one another’s burdens is at the heart of the church, but it takes both compassion and wisdom to support one another well.



The Big Idea: We can’t take responsibility for another person’s choices, but we must take ownership of what WE can do to influence, support, and serve others.

Weekly Challenge: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.


“The Bazooka of Evidence”


“The Autobahn Race”