“It’s the Meantime!”


Faithfully Tend to the Master’s Blessings

What’s the difference between efficiency and fruitfulness? How can our productivity in God’s service go from good to bad to ugly? This week we draft our A-Teams of stewardship stories and dive into the Lord’s parable of the Minas. We consider how sharing in the kingdom is kind of like using Vrbo, how humanity seems a risky investment for God, and how stewardship is like babysitting. We hope you find this discussion of all God’s gifts (and the responsibilities they bring) as challenging as we did, as we seek to be conduits instead of just consumers!



The Big Idea: When we orient our lives around our God-given purpose, everything we possess becomes a resource to that end.

Weekly Challenge: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.


“Paul to Pajamas”


“Romanced By Hope”