

Live With Skill and Discernment

Are you a skillful craftsman at building relationships? This week we learn to use questions to engage with hostile people like Jesus the "verbal Aikido" blackbelt. The book of Proverbs — Scripture's "Wisdom Central" — teaches us to build our lives like a house, filled with treasures rather than regrets. We learn from 4 Proverbs on Wisdom that planning for the future is good, but fixing our eyes "out there" on the horizon can keep us from accomplishing and enjoying our real lives right here and now. And in some Through the Week challenges for growing in wisdom, we find a "keystone" prayer and realize that looking for friction can show us where we need to work and grow.



The Big Idea: Wisdom is fundamental to every area of life, so pray for it, pursue it, and practice it.

Weekly Challenge: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.


“Tree-Killing Monster”


“Engage Your Brain”