“Pay Attention!”


Live With Readiness and Vigilance

Sometimes life feels like a game of dodgeball as we’re constantly on guard for Satan’s attack. This week we’re continuing our discussion about watchfulness with Jesus’ warnings to servants waiting at their master’s door. We go deep on defensive and offensive watchfulness, stopping along the way to think about preppers and sleepers. How can we keep routines from causing us to sleepwalk through life? How can we cut through the noise of life and focus on what matters? And why do our kids struggle to pay attention when given even the smallest tasks? Let’s get ready together in another Cross Training conversation.



The Big Idea: We can get lulled into a dangerous lack of awareness if we don’t keep our eyes open — both for blessings and for threats.

Weekly Challenge: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.


“Engage Your Brain”


“Chariots, Schmariots!”