

Speak Up and Spread the Good News

What do bumper stickers and take-out have to do with the good news? This week we complete our conversations about joy by talking about evangelism. We go Flying Through the Book of Acts, tracking how the gospel’s gladness spread across the world. It’s a close look at how we talk to people about Jesus that takes us from shotguns to laser beams, from contagions to vaccines, and from MiracleGro to the gifts of spring. In it all, we find encouragement to keep praying and keep speaking the word. (All that, plus Bryan shows Ryan his new personalized license plate!) Hope you’ll join us!



The Big Idea: The gospel is a living seed, filled with God’s power. Drop it into people’s hearts and watch it grow.

Weekly Challenge: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.


“Hey Guys!”


“I Am the Loser”