“The Thank You Spiral”


Outdo Each Other in Showing Honor

If you've ever sent a "Thank You" card for someone's "Thank You" card, this episode's for you! What does slingin' lattes at Starbucks or scoopin' ice cream at TCBY teach us about serving others? We're wrapping up our conversation of servanthood — a mark of the Master we're working on this year — with a discussion about showing honor to others. Jesus wasn't honored in his hometown, but how can we avoid treating those closest to us disrespectfully? We rejoice to know that he's restoring dignity to the disgraced. And we find a strange boy-meets-girl story where a Moabitess named Ruth sleeps at Boaz's feet while she shows honor to her mother-in-law. Plus, we're covering five Through the Week challenges. Thanks for tuning in!



The Big Idea: The Master made humanity in his image, so we honor his creation by treating people with the utmost respect.

Weekly Challenge: Find this week’s Through the Week challenges here.


“I Need To Get In on This!”


“Set Free the Love Dam”