Talking Through Ephesians
See the Big Picture
A 13-Session Guided Study
“Hint of Yellow and Black”
Opening my backpack in High School, you’d probably find a bunch of embarrassing ‘90s-specific items: pogs, hacky sacks, maybe even a bottle of Cool Water cologne — for the ladies! But tucked away in my Trapper Keeper, you’d also have found a few yellow and black-striped CliffsNotes study guides. They summarized a book so I didn’t have to read the whole thing. Controversial, but definitely useful for an easily-distractible teenage boy.
Let’s face it, the Bible’s a big book! It can take years to read through the entirety of God’s revelation cover-to-cover. Even reading the New Testament is an almost-18-hour endeavor. Fortunately, a few Bible books have a distinct hint of yellow and black CliffsNotes striping, summarizing and explaining the central theme of God’s word. Let’s dig into one such letter: Paul’s writings to the Ephesian church. The Apostle’s ability to poetically and powerfully distill God’s saving work in Christ leaves us equipped to live transformed.
So follow along with this 13-session guided study, Talking Through Ephesians, and take in the big picture summary of the Bible’s message.
Session 1: Introduction
The Big Idea: Your choices are central to God's eternal purpose for everything.
Session 2: Spiritual Blessings
The Big Idea: Jesus brings us together into a new spiritual family who lives to honor God for his incredible salvation.
Session 3: Enlightened Hearts
The Big Idea: Through faith, the eyes of your heart can perceive the hope awaiting you and God's power toward you.
Session 4: By Grace
The Big Idea: Without God's love and grace, we'd still stumble through our days, dead in our sins.
Session 5: One New Humanity
The Big Idea: People who once couldn't enter the temple have now become God's holy house.
Session 6: Eternal Purpose
The Big Idea: Paul's suffering and imprisonment paled compared to the privilege of preaching God's eternal plan to the Gentiles.
Session 7: Christ's Love
The Big Idea: Knowing Christ’s love renews and strengthens us.
Session 8: One
The Big Idea: Though we all bring something unique to our role in the church, Jesus calls us to join forces and grow stronger together in love.
Session 9: A New You
The Big Idea: A Christian's lifestyle change comes from a changed mind.
Session 10: A New Walk
The Big Idea: God wants us to follow his lead by replacing destructive sinful activities with wholesome ones.
Session 11: The Household
The Big Idea: The secret strength behind Christian relationships is our love and honor for Jesus.
Session 12: Spiritual Warfare
The Big Idea: God equips us to stand firm with the same armor he wears in battle.
Session 13: Conclusion
The Big Idea: God wants every Christian's life to overflow with peace, love, faith, and grace.
Guided Study FAQ
If you’ve ever wanted to zoom out for a big-picture view of the greatest story ever told, this 13-session guided study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians should help orient you to God’s cosmic plan for your life.
This Guided Study lasts 13 sessions. Tackle them once a week, once a month, or at some other interval. It’s up to you how you’d like to break them down.
Absolutely! Talking Through Ephesians is useful on your own, or with a group. Watch the conversation starter video together, take turns asking the questions, and make sure to get everyone involved in the study!
Free. But you knew that!
Not currently, but one of the best ways to see these conversations in action is to listen to Podcast episodes connected to each session. Hopefully, it’ll give you a good idea of what these conversations could sound like!