Talking Through Ephesians

See the Big Picture

A 13-Session Guided Study

“Hint of Yellow and Black”


Opening my backpack in High School, you’d probably find a bunch of embarrassing ‘90s-specific items: pogs, hacky sacks, maybe even a bottle of Cool Water cologne — for the ladies! But tucked away in my Trapper Keeper, you’d also have found a few yellow and black-striped CliffsNotes study guides. They summarized a book so I didn’t have to read the whole thing. Controversial, but definitely useful for an easily-distractible teenage boy.

Let’s face it, the Bible’s a big book! It can take years to read through the entirety of God’s revelation cover-to-cover. Even reading the New Testament is an almost-18-hour endeavor. Fortunately, a few Bible books have a distinct hint of yellow and black CliffsNotes striping, summarizing and explaining the central theme of God’s word. Let’s dig into one such letter: Paul’s writings to the Ephesian church. The Apostle’s ability to poetically and powerfully distill God’s saving work in Christ leaves us equipped to live transformed.

So follow along with this 13-session guided study, Talking Through Ephesians, and take in the big picture summary of the Bible’s message.

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Guided Study FAQ

  • If you’ve ever wanted to zoom out for a big-picture view of the greatest story ever told, this 13-session guided study of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians should help orient you to God’s cosmic plan for your life.

  • This Guided Study lasts 13 sessions. Tackle them once a week, once a month, or at some other interval. It’s up to you how you’d like to break them down.

  • Absolutely! Talking Through Ephesians is useful on your own, or with a group. Watch the conversation starter video together, take turns asking the questions, and make sure to get everyone involved in the study!

  • Free. But you knew that!

  • Not currently, but one of the best ways to see these conversations in action is to listen to Podcast episodes connected to each session. Hopefully, it’ll give you a good idea of what these conversations could sound like!