"Don't Lose Momentum"


Series: Training Wheels

Maintain Your Forward Progress as Parents






Here's the thing about riding a bike that may seem counterintuitive: the faster you go, the easier it gets to balance. You'd think the rider keeps the bike from falling over, but the bike's inertia makes a big difference too. Just send a bike speeding away without you, and you'd be surprised how far it goes. If you don't lose momentum, riding becomes a breeze. But momentum is also super important for parenting. Slow down, or stop following God's pattern, and things get a whole lot harder! So, as we wrap up our Training Wheels study, let's look back at the big ideas we've tackled, considering how they help us maintain our forward progress with our kids.

Stable Foundations

  • Our leadership throughout our children's lives ingrains the truths, traits, and habits they'll need.
  • The marriage covenant is God's foundation for a stable family.
  • Worship isn't just what we do as a family, it's who we are.
  • Integrity reinforces our kids' structural support system.
  • When discipline demoralizes our kids, we do more harm than good.

Shepherding and Shaping

  • We can find our way in our parenting dilemmas by looking up.
  • Your life speaks volumes to those following behind you.
  • Good parenting is a daily choice you make, not the result of your child's choices.
  • The world is your child's classroom, whether you're teaching them or not.
  • The gospel of grace gives us a new lens to see ourselves, our kids, and our parenting.
  • You can talk at your child and make a lot of noise, or you can talk to them and get through.

Sending Them Out

  • As we send our children into the world, we can't protect them from every danger.
  • Our kids were created for his glory, not ours.
  • What a gift it is to call your child a "brother" or "sister" in Christ.

How has this study propelled you into better parenting?




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