

Series: Training Wheels

Seize Each Day's Teaching Moments






"It's time to go to bed," says the parent. "Why?" "Because it's nighttime." "Why?" "Because the sun went down." "Why?" "Because of the rotation of the earth ..." Well, you get the point. Our kids constantly ask questions as their minds collect data at a breakneck speed. A parent can spend a whole day going from "Why are the dinosaurs gone?" to "Why is the sky blue?" to "Why do kids have to obey their parents?" The questions can be as challenging as plentiful. But as parents trying to shape our kids, they also provide something we need to recognize and seize: teachable moments.

The Big Idea

The world is your child's classroom, whether you're teaching them or not. They're learning machines, developing their understanding of the world each day. And we're their teachers, helping them get the best information and training. A lot of their education comes from reinforcing and repeating. But we can also meet them in those moments when they're ready to learn — if we pay attention. When their curiosity is piqued, stop and talk through the big questions. When an experience leaves them open to growth, those conversations are worth the time.

The Lord told parents to speak about his instruction all the time. Start by loving the Lord with all of yourself, placing his commandments on your heart (Deut. 6:5-6). Only after you "teach yourself" (Rom. 2:21) can you "teach them diligently to your children, and ... talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise" (Deut. 6:7). Whether we're on the go or taking a break, getting ready for breakfast, or getting ready for bed, the things of the Lord fill our hearts, our conversations, and our actions. And when we instill the word in their hearts, we equip them to answer life’s "Why" questions with a ready "it is written" (Luke 4:1-13).

The Big Question

What are your kids ready to learn, and are you taking the time to engage in those discussions?


"Practically Perfect"


"I Just Cleaned That!"