"Acts 12-16"


Series: Into the Book

Watch the Gospel Spread






In 1957 — long before board games like Settlers of Catan and video games like Civilization, a Frenchman named Albert Lamorisse invented the "game of world conquest," known as Risk. I have great memories of huddling around a table, trying to outwit and outmaneuver friends as we all try to spread our troops across a map of the world. To win, you have to choose the right home base (I recommend South America, Africa, or Australia!) and spread from your home base into the right territories, at the right time.

A New Home Base

Last week, we saw persecution drive many of the Jerusalem Christians away from the city. In chapter twelve, we'll see one last look at the oppression in the region, as Herod kills James and imprisons Peter. After a divine prison break, even Peter leaves Jerusalem, and Luke turns the reader's attention to a new headquarters, Antioch. At the end of Friday's reading (11:19-30), we saw this group thriving, as Jews and Gentiles worked together, and Barnabas brought Saul to the city to teach the new converts (11:25-26). This Tuesday, we'll see the Holy Spirit set apart Paul and Barnabas to represent the group on a mission to spread the gospel into new regions.

Strategically Spreading

Tuesday and Wednesday, we'll read of Paul's first missionary journey, then on Thursday, he'll split with Barnabas and start his second journey. It helps to have a map handy as you read these chapters, as he goes from Syrian Antioch to Cyprus to Pisidian Antioch. From there, he heads to Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe before retracing his steps back "home" to Antioch at the end of chapter 14. On his second journey, he'll see a vision (16:9-10) that will lead him into Greece.

The Exciting Conquest of the Gospel

What's in a Name? This week, we'll watch Barnabas' sidekick Saul become Paul, the leading spokesman of the mission to the Gentiles. Notice the change from 13:7 to 13:13. What do you think led to the change?

Heroics in Jesus' Name! Luke packs these chapters with fantastic stories like when Peter gets mistaken for his angel and when a fortune-telling slave girl gets cured, only to leave her money-grubbing owners mad at the miracle-workers! The marvelous deeds of Paul and Barnabas even lead some to mistake them for the Greek gods Zeus and Hermes. Paul gets stoned, beaten, and imprisoned, but nothing stops him from speaking!

This is Us. After Paul's vision (16:9), the narrator stops calling Paul and his companions "they" and starts describing what "we" did. This change seems to indicate that Luke, the author, joined the traveling party in Troas, and will continue with Paul. The four "we" passages are Acts 16:10-17; 20:5-15; 21:1-18; and 27:1-28:16.

Facing the Opposition

As Thursday's reading (Acts 15) begins, the harmony and growth in Antioch are threatened by "some men" who come from Jerusalem, teaching that Gentiles must be circumcised and follow the law of Moses for salvation. The issues outlined in this chapter will form the backdrop for many of the epistles we'll read later.


"Sorcerer's Strategy"


"Antioch Activity"