“Criminal Confession”

Fear God and See Your Guilt

What do you think your last words on earth will be? Will they be profoundly insightful words, or maybe something less meaningful? The Bible records the deathbed statements of many people throughout history. And as Jesus hung on the cross between two thieves, Luke shares the final conversation these men had with the Savior before they died.

"One of the criminals who were hanged railed at him, saying, "Are you not the Christ? Save yourself and us!"" (Luke 23:39).

While one of these criminals desperately mocked Jesus, the words of the second man were much more reverent.

Don't You Fear God?

"But the other rebuked him, saying, "Do you not fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation?"" (Luke 23:40).

He comes to Jesus' defense and corrects the other lawbreaker — rhetorically asking if he fears God because of their current pain and punishment. Open your eyes to your problems, since you're no better off!

But we can be guilty of this kind of deflection today. It's the "speck in your brother's eye" problem all over again (Luke 6:41). And when we fall into that trap, don't we need someone like this faith-filled felon to tell it to us straight? Fearing God leads us to get real with ourselves — to see the sad situation that sin has plunged us into.

We're Guilty!

"And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds ..." (Luke 23:41).

In other words, "We're getting what we deserve!" Matthew says these men were robbers (Matt. 27:38), and whatever they stole, it's clear they were guilty, unlike Jesus.

But what sins are you guilty of? What punishment do you deserve? It's time we own up to our guilt as the thief did. But despite our guilt, God loves us and offers us peace with himself through Jesus' death. Though we were his enemies — guilty of sin and undeserving — through faith, we have access to his free gift of grace (Rom. 5:1-11).

He's Not!

"... but this man has done nothing wrong" (Luke 23:41).

We've all heard the phrase, "It takes one to know one." And this man is mindful enough, in spite of his agony, to realize that Jesus isn't a criminal like them.

Jesus faced all the weakness and temptation this world could bring but endured it all without sin (Heb. 4:15). He came sinlessly to take away our sins. And as John said, "No one who abides in him keeps on sinning ..." (1 John 3:6). And because he knows what we're going through, he's uniquely qualified to plead our case before the Father.

So, may God help us to fear him, accept our guilt, and rely on our sinless Savior. And may we faithfully call on the Lord to "remember us," as this criminal did before he died.


“Curious Conversations”


“Knock it Off!”