“The Loud Type of Friend”


Strengthen the Bonds of Friendship

What’s the difference between valuing someone and having a friendship with them? How does humor lighten our load? And what does the old metaphor of “investing” in someone like a bank account teach us about the “brother born for adversity”? We go Finding Jesus in third John and also find how much that short book tells us about good friends. And from communicating without a word to late night conversations, we count down some of our Favorite Things about friendship. It’s session 8 of What’s Good, and all the resources are at Bible geeks.fm/good.



The Big Idea: Through consistent acts of loyal love, we stockpile trust that friends draw on for a lifetime.

This Week's Challenge: Make a list of a few friends you're thankful for and pray for them.


“Stay Salty!”


“Your Family Versus Mine”