“Your Family Versus Mine”
Feel the Fulfillment of a Fruitful Family
How does God provide for us through our loved ones? What does Ruth teach us about prayer? And how do our familial roles change as we get older? This week, in session 7 of our What’s Good study, we appreciate God’s gift of family, from blessings like our moms and kids to our brothers and sisters in Christ. What Jesus Said about honoring parents in Matthew 15:3-6 leaves us thinking about the false dichotomies and how serving God leads us to serve our families. Flying Through the book of Ruth, we see a picture of family lost and restored as folks find the kindness of family in surprising places. You can find the video and study guide for this conversation (and lots more) at biblegeeks.fm/good.
The Big Idea: Family bonds can give us love and acceptance that reflects our Heavenly Father's.
This Week's Challenge: Share with a family member how they've blessed your life.