“The Best at Everything”


Appreciate Your Unique Abilities

Have you ever thought about how many blessings you enjoy because of the God-given talents of others? Or about the strange and wonderful mix of different abilities and interests people have? This week we continue our What’s Good guided study with a discussion of God’s gifts of talents. We go finding Jesus in the Bible’s “body” passages, noticing how often we fail to appreciate other people’s gifts — and our own! Then we dive into a character study of two inspired craftsmen who built masterworks for God. Find the study guide and all the videos and resources for this 13-session study at biblegeeks.fm/good.



The Big Idea: God manifests his wisdom and glory in the diversity he has filled his good world with.

This Week's Challenge: Mention someone’s unique talent to them, and thank them.


“That Is a Sticky Song”


“Do Not Disturb!”