“Do Not Disturb!”


Stop and Enjoy Rest

We know biblical rest means more than taking a break, but what’s it really about? What would a weekly Sabbath communicate to a bunch of former Egyptian slaves? And What’s The Deal with God resting on the seventh day of creation? This week we continue the What’s Good guided study, pausing to appreciate God’s gift of rest. We learn to get away from it all Like the Teacher, Jesus, did in Mark 6:30-32. And we share what keeps us from relaxing, realizing we’re still learning how to rest. Go to biblegeeks.fm/good for the guides, videos, and all the What’s Good resources.



The Big Idea: Work is good, but God also created us to enjoy the sweetness of rest.

This Week's Challenge: Give someone you love a break.


“The Best at Everything”


“Gotta Eat a Vegetable”