“Gotta Eat a Vegetable”
Embrace the Opportunity to Do Good Work
Who’s the boss in your life? Who really signs your paychecks? And is work a curse or a gift? This week, we take on session 2 of the What’s Good guided study, celebrating God’s gift of work - both ours, and the work of others. We count down our Top 4 Proverbs on work and discover a surprising “destroyer.” And after Finding Jesus in a commandment to slaves, our Reach Out question looks at the source of our work ethic. From the tasks you secretly love to those frustrating aspects of your job, Scripture gives a lot of direction and leaves no doubt that work is a blessing from our loving God! Go to biblegeeks.fm/good to find the study guide and all the resources for this What’s Good study.
The Big Idea: The chance to do good work and appreciate the work of others is worth celebrating.
This Week's Challenge: Identify and do a task at work specifically for God.